Tuesday, September 14, 2010

“Write in different places: Write in bus stops, in cafes. Write about what is going on around you.”
Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones

Miller was standing next to L car door when someone sat down on the train's floor near her feet facing the opposite door. At the next stop, a man entered the car with three-inch metal rods protruding from his jaw and he stood across from Miller leaning on the metal dividers. The man on the floor said, “Everything that smells good, doesn’t taste good.” Before another strange man had a chance to enter the car, Miller decided to sit in a seats as far away from the door as possible. Her seat selection proved unwise, a homeless man chattered at Miller from the seat behind her. He rambled on about strange Chicago weather and how the end of the world was coming. Miller unconsciously shifted in her seat. The man stopped mumbling, leaned close to Miller and said, “Don’t worry, Miss, I am not going to shoot you in the back.”

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