Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Write the same sentence with first and third-person narrations." Walter Mosley This Year You Write Your Novel

  1. As I got closer, the smell was overwhelming.  I put my camera in front of my eye, even though I was too nauseous to focus it.  My camera created a sensory depriving scent barrier that made the debris bearable to walk on.  There was a photographer violently vomiting in front of me.  It was Derek; he looked up and saw my camera in front of my face and my oversized camera bag weighing down the left side of my body and said, “Did you really shoot that?”  I hadn’t. I was still too nauseous to do anything but walk. He asked why I wasn’t puking my guts out.  I told him that I hadn’t thrown up in twenty years. 
  2. As Miller got closer, the smell was overwhelming. She put her camera in front of her eye, even though she was too nauseous to focus it.  Her camera created a sensory depriving scent barrier that made the debris bearable to walk on.  There was a photographer violently vomiting in front of her.  It was Derek; he looked up and saw the camera in front of her face and an oversized camera bag weighing down the left side of her body and said, “Did you really shoot that?”  She hadn’t. She was still too nauseous to do anything but walk. He asked why she wasn’t puking her guts out.  Miller told him that she hadn’t thrown up in twenty years.

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